Thursday, August 30, 2007

Natural Balance

Algore & Chopper received their first "Natural Balance" trim on Monday. We use a natural balance farrier (Al Scafani) for all of our show horses. We have debated whether or not to shoe our mustangs or to leave them barefoot. We decided to go barefoot and let their new owners make a decision if they want shoes on them or not through the winter. They both stood well for the farrier. Although Chopper was surprisingly suspicious of him at first. The shoer came in the evening after a long day of shoeing and I don't think Chopper liked his horse hoof & burnt smell! Once he decided he wasn't going to be eaten, he settled down and stood like a champ. It gives me more work. I have to make sure he doesn't treat potential owners & judges like the plague. Chopper was so good yesterday to ride. Relaxed with his head out and down in all his gates. He was the best ever.

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