Chopper & Holly : Practicing just standing!

Chopper Ponying Bailey & Loving on Zayle.
Hi. I had Zayle snap some photos of Chopper today. He has a different training regimen than Algore. We spend time each day just standing and doing nothing. He is trying to learn to be patient in his maneuvers and wait for his commands. He gets a little fidgety sometimes, "now, now can I sidepass? back-up? leg yield? trot? canter depart? ...now?" He is a "bold" tempered horse and he likes things to happen on his schedule. He is so fun to ride though. I really hope he gets a great home. He is loving and personable and I don't think he'll have any trouble bonding with a new caregiver. He is doing everything so well. He is easy to catch, saddle, groom, clip, and trailer. He'll be a great mount for someone!
So glad you've enabled comments! I didn't see that option when I visited earlier this month. Or perhaps I was just blind?
Looks like both of your horses are doing well. I sent someone here to take a look at Algore (please, do tell the reason for that name...) because she said she'd never met a mustang that could be trained. Snob, lol :) She's into cutting, so I figured a peek at what Algore is up to would be an eye opener for her.
Thanks for linking to the Diaries...I've linked back to you!
Thank you for your note. Zane named his horse Algore because we once worked for a ranch where they gave some of their unregistered horses political names. They were memorable and we copied their idea! Yes, isn't it wonderful that mustangs can be trained? (They are HORSES after all!)Holly
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