Saturday, September 8, 2007

14 days to go

In 14 days we'll all be in Texas. What a journey this has been! I am thrilled with the progress Chopper has made. He is feeling like a well-broke horse now and everyday he is getting more and more solid. Today I rode him twice and this evening I had my friend and her husband ride him as well as my mother-in-law. He wasn't nervous with the new riders although a little speedier than he is with me. He was able to follow their cues for stopping, backing, leads, and turn-around. They were surprised at his walk. He has quite a ground-covering walk that is a lot different than a quarter horse walk. It's definitely a "running" walk.

I have gotten quite attached to my horse. He tries so hard and is so fun to ride and train. It has been several years since Zane had a mustang in training and I had forgotten how loyal and willing they can be. There is no "B.S" about them and once they learn certain skills they just don't regress. When they learn to tie, lead, clip, load, shoe etc.. they just do it when asked. It is amazing their level of trust and respect for the rider. It is easy to forget that Chopper is only three. He has a mature mind and I am only reminded of his age when he sometimes mouths his bit like the baby he is.

Zane is gone to the Idaho Cutting Futurity in Boise. Algore made that trip with him and they will be gone for a week. I am home taking the kids to school and taking care of chores and the other 14 horses here. Today I loped some of the cutting horses. I rode a 2 year old filly who has been in training since January. If you compare her level of training to Chopper's, I am proud to say he is much more advanced. As we near our competition, all that is left is fine tuning Chopper's presentation for the judges. I am still deciding the best discipline to present him in and how best to showcase his talents.

It is cool here this evening and over the next week temperatures are expected to dip into the 30's at night with day time temps in the 70's. Tomorrow my little girl, Zayle, is supposed to ride at the high school rodeo. She is a rodeo princess and will ride in the grand entry. I am taking Chopper along for more exposure. I had hoped to take him to a BLM adoption in Livingston, Montana this weekend but with Zane gone the scheduling just didn't work out.

Thanks to my friend Sharmen for the pictures of Chopper. We would love to here comments from anyone out there visiting our blog. (Especially if you want to adopt Chopper or Algore!)


Tracey said...

My first thought when checking in this morning was, "Hooray! Photos of Wendy!"

If you don't mind, I'd love to take that paragraph about how solid minded and loyal mustangs are and plaster it all over the internet... Well, at least on my blog and a couple of forums I frequent. It's always good to have such glowing praise for mustangs from folks who don't ride them on a daily basis. People are used to my ranting and raving over them and sometimes I think they don't believe me :)

Hope the next 14 days are smooth sailing for you! And when you get to Texas, say hello to Susan and Mac (Mac is the horse) from WA, okay?

Katee said...

I love that you keep thinking towards his new owners. I am sure that you would love to win the competition, but I really enjoy the fact that you're making sure other people ride him! You're building a great horse for a potential adopter out there. I just wish I had room for one more horse in my barn.