Saturday, September 1, 2007

New Today

Algore & Chopper worked in the heat of the day. It is 90 here in Southwest Montana. Algore is working on mastering his obstacle course. He wasn't happy about the kid's swimming pool but still settled in to try it. Chopper is still working on mastering the perfect circle. We do lots of shoulder exercises to try and keep him from leaning in. He's doing better to the left but needs lots of work to the right. I hope he minds his manners in Texas! They both had full baths today and I told Zane he needs to do more grooming time with Algore. Mostly he gets brushed where his saddle goes and that's it! His coat is looking good anyway but it could always be better.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

90 is just too hot. Perhaps you should teach the boys how to swim???